Sunday, October 28, 2012

Selexyz Dominicanen - An Unexpected Location for a Book Store

I love old architecture turned into unexpected businesses or spaces, and this next location is just that: a 13th century deconstructed Dominican church in the Netherlands turned bookstore. Prior to the transformation in 2007 into the Dutch bookstore Selexyz Dominicanen, this church was used as a warehouse, archive, and bicycle storage depot. The design of the bookstore was done by Merks + Girod architects in Maastricht, Netherlands.

I appreciate how the design works around the historical architecture of the building, allowing visitors to experience every part of the beautiful architecture.

Thankfully they did not forget to include the always important cafe-coffeshop!

Lastly, check out one of my favorite parts of the bookstore: the entrance!

Via Merkx + Girod

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